
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Put on the Brakes…There’s Black Ice Ahead.

That sounds familiar in the dead of winter around Chicago, doesn’t it?  When you do, the results are often not what you hoped for.  Black ice is a “slippery slope” to say the least and a fender bender is likely in your future if you encounter a patch of it on Chicagoland roads.  We are here to help if it comes to that.

Many times, bumpers are replaced instead of repaired, as even low speed impacts can cause serious damage.  Most modern bumpers are made up of a structural support section, a shock absorbing foam section, and a plastic cover.  The good news is, if you do not have much damage, you may only need to replace the cover.

Check with your insurance.  It may cost more to repair the bumper with a claim considering the deductible than for us to fix the bumper and get you back on the road quickly as good as new.  Please come into our body shop located at 7536 West Grand Ave. in Elmwood Park for a free estimate.  If you want to call ahead that number is (708) 456-9424. 

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