
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Do Your Homework!

Wait a minute here…not this time of year…really?  No more teachers no more books for a while at least.  Fear not, this is a different type of homework and you will be glad that you did it.  It has to do with your car.  If you ever get into an auto accident or you just want to have your car refinished check out DuPont.

DuPont features top of the line refinishing products.  Do some research into the history of Dupont and become familiar with the quality of everything that they do.  When you do, you know that anyone who works exclusively with their refinishing products is working with the very best and that is very comforting.

At Arrow Body and Fender in Elmwood Park, Illinois we have tried to stay in front of every trend in the auto body repair industry.  When it comes to automotive refinishing that will always be the case.  Let Joe and his crew prove it to you by giving them a call and scheduling an appointment at their shop located at 7536 W. Grand Ave. by calling (708) 456-9424.

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